Friday 3rd January effects of the cold spell showing with 3 Blackbirds in the field near the boardwalk at Holden Wood Reservoir.
4 Goldeneye at Ogden Reservoir.11 min Mallards at both reservoirs
Sunday 5th January min 10 Blackbirds at Victoria Park, and a few Song Thrush maybe at least 4, and some Redwings in the trees At least 7 and a Mistle Thrush.
Monday January 6 approx. 110 Black Headed Gulls to bread at Holden Wood Reservoir
Wednesday 8 January max 3 Blackbirds, maybe 3 Redwings in Victoria Park.Approx 110 Black Headed Gulls to bread, with a handful of Common Gulls
3 Teal flew in at Holden Wood Res
Friday 10 JanuaryAll 3 reservoirs were more than half frozenapprox.
Holden Wood Res highlights
30 Black Headed Gulls looks like they have deserted
2 Fieldfare
1 Snipe
1 Woodcock
1 Meadow Pipit
Calf hey
Maybe up 20 Robin around the feeders and car park
Min 8 Blackbirds in same area
Approx. 8 Dunnock
Approx 10 Wrens around Grane and the Quarries
Saturday 11 January
1 Meadow Pipit, 1 Pied Wagtail, 1 Stonechat 3 Lapwing at Holden Wood Res
7th February walk around reservoirs highlights
Holden Wood min 130 Jackdaws, 29 Lapwing including 1 displaying very briefly, 17 Starling, 3 Mallard, 1 each of Meadow Pipit, Stonechat and Pied Wagtail
Ogden 1 Oystercatcher
-- Edited by sarfraz on Monday 10th of February 2025 12:08:20 PM
-- Edited by sarfraz on Monday 10th of February 2025 12:11:29 PM
14th Feb walk around Grane Reservoirs in the biting wind and the highlights were a single Oystercatcher at Holden Wood Res, at least 1 Crossbill calling over Calf Hey Car park and a brief drum from a Woodpecker species from a clump of trees on the Northern side of the res. I am guessing the reason it didn't seem fully Great Spotted is because it could have been a practise drum and maybe something to do with the tree it has chosen too?
18 february Chaffinch singing at Holden Wood Res my first in song this year
21 February walk around Grane Reservoirs highlights 4 duck species Six Teal, 2 Goosander, 32 Mallard and 2 Goldeneye. Lapwings displayed a little, 13 Oystercatcher at Ogden Res
24 February Holden Wood Res sightings included min 42 Lapwings with some display, 1 Stonechat in brief song which is first of the year for me,
Water levels have dropped and who knows we may get an exciting Wader like a Redshank in March?
26 February what flew like a Martin/Swallow and looked brownish over Calf hey could not be confirmed would normally have been one but I consider it too early even though quite a few areas have reported them.
28 February 2 "spring" milestones ticked a Reed Bunting and it's half hearted song and just when I gave up and thought a February without a Skylark, one in strong song over Crow Trees. Sadly no Curlew this year yet. 36 Lapwing over Holden Wood res and approx 30 Oystercatchers at Ogden Res. Quite a few Greenfinch wheezing aroud Grane and Song Thrush having a good presence too.