Through the by fields below Helmshore road and back along the Irwell valley. 1400/1630 hrs. 7 degrees, sunny with showers.
Long-tailed Tit. Small feeding flock 12.
Blue Tit Several all round.
Great Tit. As above.
Coal Tit. Couple in Ox Hey, 4 Strongstry wood.
Goldfinch. Flock of 14 near Hodge Clough, 7 in Strongstry
Greenfinch 5 in Irwell vale.
Bullfinch 2 pair Strongstry
Chaffinch 6 in Strongstry
Good numbers of Wren, Blackbirds, Robins all round.
Dunnock Couple
Song Thrush two in song 3 more foraging
Redwing 22 feeding on ground in fields.
Starlings 60+ in fields.
Lapwing 14 in fields.
Rook 80+ feeding in fields, nearest Rookery Shuttleworth
Lodge Farm Lodge.
Moorhen Single.
Coot single
Goosander Pair
Canada Goose 6
Mallard 3
Grey Heron Only appears to be one nest.
Regards Brian.