Managed to see my first pair of confirmed Ravens today - no more question marks over what I had seen. Its hard to believe how different Ravens are from other crows. Size wise they seem not that much bigger or even slimmer - I did expect them to be bigger n bulkier in appearance. At first when i got a good glance of one shooting up in the air i thought it was a Peregrine - the wings were almost falcon like and the flight was falcon like too - although the birds tail was big and the shape unmistakeable. I did nt realise that Ravens have slimmish and angular wings - they can be mistaken for birds of prey from a distance.
I know Cliviger is not in Rossendale but i thought I'd share this experience!
i did nt know ravens bred in rossendale until i read the bird report. i have probably seen them around grane but becaus ein reality they do notappear that much bigger thencarrion crows or rooks i would never have noticed.
Hi Sarfraz - Just be aware that the American Crow is not the same species as ours - I don't know how they compare in size. However, the photo does illustrate the sheer bulkiness of the Raven's head and neck (bird on the right) compared to that of the Crow (on left). Coupled with the slightly longer tail it makes the Raven seem more evenly balanced where the Crow tends to have more tail than head.