Significant drop in both Goldeneye and Grebe numbers. Just 1 pr. + 1f Goldeneye and 3 G.C.Grebe 2 of which appeared paired. 1 pr Goosander which headed S. at dusk.
Stonechat numbers on the increase with 3 pr. + 1f. March usually shows an build up in numbers here. Though not all stop to breed. 4 M.Pipits flushed. Odd R.Bunts, Dunnocks, Chaffinch, Greenfinch. No gulls seen. No Wheatears yet! Tons of frog spawn in the shallows.
Single Jay, G.S.W. at Reedsholme today along with at least 1 pr. of Bullfinch and Kestrel "chittering" at the nest site. Pr. Dipper on the river.