Wind: SW 5mph, Rain by 0900hrs which almost blocked vis
Thrushes 85% predominently NE, also E & N and after 10am (Redwing only) started coming through to W.
Today was not busy like first thing yesterday, but still OK, but everything went down to a trickle from 0900hrs when rain started and continued until finish (and still going on as I pen at 1204) Early Redwing parties where good size parties but almost everything after 0900 was a party of 20 av.. Fieldfare never really got going.. Nice Blackbird party. Starling numbers increasing..
Redwing: 1586 (45 parties, best parties: 80,100,70,60,60,80SE,70)
Fieldfare: 473 (12 parties, best parties: 80,60,60,40,50)
Starling: 1226 SE (9 parties: best parties: 500,120,500,60)