Cormorant, c200 stood on sandbanks in the estuary,
Grey Heron, 2,
Little Egret, c10,
Pink Footed Goose, c500,
Teal, c500,
Shoveler, pair,
Buzzard, c6 on the drive in,
Peregrine, 3 perched birds with one eventually taking flight over the estuary,
Merlin, 1 perched female,
Hen Harrier, 1 ring tail quartering the marshes accelerating when it saw a potential meal and having a go at several birds including a snipe,
Knot, c5000 twisting and turning,
Curlew, c200,
Woodcock, 1 over M53 on way back to tunnel,
G.B.B.Gull, 2,
Skylark, c20,
Meadow Pipit, c12,
Raven, group of 3 heading over towards Flint,
Starling, a flock of c400 feeding in rough pasture on the estuary.
David Nuttall.