Sunday October 19th 2014 Visible Bird Migration - Burton In Kendal, Cumbria (Track Vic Lane to Dalton Offices) from 0730hrs to 1100hrs. Wind: South West 25-40mph, 12c, 80% Cloud, 15400m vis, 1003mb pressure.
All passerine movements to the South unless stated otherwise. All Redwings West. Incredible that small birds could actually move in these strong winds, being blow back for most of the time. Extremely good Chaffinch numbers yet again and missed a few using another "depletion line". (Flight Study notes to follow shortly).
Chaffinch: 850 S Goldfinch: 15 (one party), Redpoll: 3 (one party) Greenfinch: 10 (best 2x3) Alba Wagtail: 9 Song Thrush: 3 (1,1,1) Blackbird: 1 Redwing: 81W (best party 60)