Saturday October 25th 2014 Visible Bird Migration - Hutton Roof from Burton In Kendal, Cumbria (from track on Vicarage Lane) 0800hrs to 1130hrs. Wind: South 10-15mph, 9c temp, 94% Cloud cover, 18700m vis, 1011mb pressure. A slow start, still with many birds heading to a SW bias at first before turning S (more in this within the flight study notes later). From 1000hrs birds started to find a good line and seemed to cut the winds better with some good large parties.
Chaffinch: 1079 S/SSE (best parties: 25s,20s and lots of 10s with most parties at 5-8 birds) Goldfinch: 10 Linnet: 7 (2,2,3) Greenfinch: 1 Alba Wagtail: 35 (best 20) Starling: 53 (3,30,10,10) Woodpigeon: 332 (best parties 60,150,80) Mistle Thrush: 3W Redwing: 3W
Friday October 24th 2014 Visible Bird Migration - Hutton Roof from Burton In Kendal, Cumbria (from track on Vicarage Lane 0800hrs to 0930hrs. Wind: South West 5-9mph, 10c temp, 75% cloud cover, 14400m vis, 1011mb pressure, gone colder. Another quiet day with the Chaffinches which again were very undecided and a large (100+ blogging party soon became established).
Chaffinch: 315 S Linnet: 1 Greenfinch: 1 Redpoll: 1 Redwing: 40W Alba Wagtail: 1 Woodpigeon: 196 Starling: 27W
By the way at 1300hrs on this coming Wednesday, why not check out Autumnwatch Extra on the BB2 Red Button with this old grey haired chap talking about VISMIG!!