Friday October 31st 2014 Visible Bird Migration - Hutton Roof from Burton In Kendal (Track off Vicarage lane) 0715hrs to 1000hrs. Wind: South 8-10mph, 95% Cloud, 17700m, 1011mb pressure. All movement South/South East unless specified different. Again really slow with Chaffinch and just a sprinkling of Thrushes, compared to more local coastal sites who hit the jackpot with thousands. Two really good Skylark parties.
Chaffinch: 182 Meadow Pipit: 2 Skylark: 41 (20,21) Fieldfare: 463 all W or SW (best 2x80,1x70) Redwing: 185, Starling: 115 Mistle Thrush: 5 Woodpigeon: 7
Thursday October 30th 2014 Visible Bird Migration - Hutton Roof from Burton In Kendal (Track off Vicarage Lane) 0722hrs to 0935hrs. Wind: South East 10mph, 10c temp, 6200m vis, 1014mb pressure. All movement South/South East unless specified different. Really slow today especially with the Chaffinch.