Saint John Church
3 Rook perched on top of tower
30+ Jackdaw going in and around tower
18 Carrion Crow
Pinner Lane (track)
1 G S Woodpecker
2 Nuthatch
good number of Coal and Blue Tit
2m Blackbirds
3 Magpie
4 Robin
Old Quarry
2 Goldcrest
2 Wren
1m Blackbird
3 Robin
5 Woodpigeon
3 Meadow Pipit over
6 Song Thrush
4 Coal Tit
3 Great Tit
3 Blue Tit
Limy Water (Stoneholme Road)
2 Treecreeper
5 Glodcrest
1 Chaffinch
30+ feral pigeons
2 Stock Dove
2m 1f Blackbird
11 Robin in all
8 House Sparrow
12 Flock of Long-Tailed Tit
Good numbers of Coal - Blue - Great Tit
No Dippers seen
Cheers Craggy