07:30 - 11:00
Buzzard, soaring pair,
Pheasant, 1 calling near Dowry Head and male in Torside Lodge Wood,
Golden Plover, min 17 on The Moss,
Snipe, 2 on The Moss,
B.H.Gull, 1 in Alden with full hood,
Wood Pigeon, c12,
G.S.Woodpecker, 2 males chasing and a drumming bird at Sunnybank,
Green Woodpecker, yaffling bird at Torside Lodge,
Skylark, min 4 singing birds,
Pied Wagtail, 1 in Alden,
Meadow Pipit, 2 on drystone wall,
Wren, c6 many in song,
Dunnock, c6 many in song,
Robin, 4, 1 in song,
Song Thrush, 4 with 3 in song,
Mistle Thrush, 1 singing bird,
L.T.Tit, 2 pairs at Sunnybank,
Coal Tit, calling bird near Torside,
Nuthatch, 2 singing at Sunnybank,
Treecreeper, 2 at Sunnybank,
Jay, 2 including a totally tailess bird!
Raven, 1 over calling,
Starling, flock of 35,
Greenfinch, 3 singing males at Torside,
Chaffinch, c6 singing birds,
Goldfinch, 4,
David Nuttall.