Friday 22 April, Grane area - sand martins starting nesting at Jamestones (2 digging holes, 5 individuals seen) and at least 15 wheatears along the northern and western fringes. All the usual waterfowl/waders (4 goldeneyes, 5 greatcrested grebes etc)
Sat 23rd April, Clowbridge - 1male tufted duck, 1 great crested grebe, 1 cormorant.
Sun 24th April, Greenfold - 1 reeling grasshopper warbler. Unusual in that I actually got quite a good view (and the snow a short time later)
Mon 25th April, around Townsend Fold/Rawtenstall - whitethroat again at Groundwork (also there friday). Blackcaps are finally around in good numbers - 2 Groundwork, 2 bypass wood, 1 K Steel, 1 Holmes Terrace, 1 Clowes Lodge. Still no sign of any sand martin activity on this stretch of the river.