Clough Head circular to Heap Clough 13:00hrs
Pr Siskin + 1 Goldcrest feeding in conifers
1 Buzzard
1 Peregrine
40 B.H.Gull on quarry pools + 1 sitting bird.
1 G.S.W.
Several pairs of Canada Goose around , only 2 with young.
3 Oystercatcher flying around calling
Raven heard but not seen.
2 Mistle Thrush on pasture
1 Sand Martin around nest site.
1 Swallow
1 Moorhen with 2 yng.
2 Buzzard soaring.
6 Siskin on feeders at Clough Head inc. 2m +3f with 1 bird obscured from veiw.
Willow Warblers and Chaffinch singing well + Song Thrush at Crow Trees.
Distinct lack of waders, wheatears, reed bunting, linnet and hirundines at this time of day