2 Canada Goose
5 Mallard 2f 3m and 2 Ducking
1 Pied Wagtail
The waters edge was black with tadpoles
7 Canada Goose 6 very young Gooslings and two older looking ones
4 Oystercatchers in a line on the bank calling loudly at each other
2 Common Sandpipers on bank by the side of the Oystercatchers
4 Sand Martins
2 Collared Dove in trees at the side
7 Black-headed Gulls
Meadows above Jamestones
50+ Carrion Crow
3 Meadow Pipit
1 Wheatear
7 Lapwing no young seen
1 G S Woodpecker
1 Mistletoe Thrush being chased aggressively around by a Jackdaw all most knocking it to the ground not seen that before?
1 Curlew calling
5 Canada Goose
Cheers Craggy
Hi Paul
That was just a small section there was literally thousands of them