Canada Goose, pair with well grown gosling,
Kestrel, 1 over the moor,
Lapwing, 1,
Curlew, 1 heading towards The Brex,
L.B.B.Gull, c200 over from the north in single flock whilst a further 50-60 were seen moving west,
Swift, c6 feeding high,
Skylark, c10, many in song,
Swallow, c12, first juvs seen,
Meadow Pipit, c20, sev juvs seen,
Pied Wagtail, c4,
Wheatear, pair,
Rook, c30 too and fro over the moors,
Raven, 1 over,
Starling, 15,
Goldfinch, c4,
Greenfinch, 1,
Linnet, male singing from telegraph wire,
Reed Bunting, 3, 1 in song.
David Nuttall.