G.C.Grebe, 1 fishing the res,
Cormorant, 1 flew on from the south,
Grey Heron, 1 fishing the back pond,
Canada Goose, 55, most flew south around 09:00
Mallard, c6,
Kestrel, 1 hunting the moors near Nutshaw,
L.B.B.Gull, c30 over,
Common Gull, 2 adults briefly on the res,
B.H.Gull, c8,
Swallow, 4,
House Martin c8,
Meadow Pipit, c20,
Pied Wagtail, 2,
Grey Wagtail, 1 over the res,
Whitethroat, 1 in scrub behind boat house,
Willow Warbler, 2 singing, 1 calling and several juvs feeding in scrub behind boat house,
Redpoll, singing bird at top end,
Goldfinch, c12,
Greenfinch, 1,
Reed Bunting, c4.
David Nuttall.