Thursday 6th October 2016 - Off Vicarage Ln (SD5410576859 Burton In Kendal 0715 - 0900hrs Wind: 12-25 ENE (freshing to strong at times), 7c felt a lot cooler as well this morning. 10% Cloud cover, 20000m visability, 1032mb pressure. All movement unless specied SE. Today the numbers dropped even more, there seems little going on with this prolonged Easterly high pressure at the moment! A few going through from what appeared to be to the South or South East. They did give the appearance many (but not all) of the birds had actually come of Hutton Roof where I think they had been roosting during the past day or two. I noticed also yesterday as well scores of Blue Tits and some Great Tits all going South East whilst "hedgehopping".
Chaffinch: 239 (16W all others SE) Best: 12,10, a few at 8 Greenfinch: 2 Goldfinch: 40 (one party) Song Thrush: 2 Starling: 4W Redwing: 313 S/SE (best: 2x40s several 30,20,25) Mistle Thrush: 1S Skylark: 1W Common Snipe: 12 (one party W to E) Heron: 1 SE to NW (0830hrs) Blue Tits: Scores moving SE - hedge hopping