09:00 hrs start
3 Cormorant, rising to 6 at 11:30hrs - 2 flew S. over Reedsholme at 08:50 hrs.
5 Wigeon
10 Teal
6 Mallard
1f Shoveler
1f Goldeneye
1 G.C.Grebe
1 Kestrel
3+1 Bullfinch
c12 Redwing
3+ Chaffinch
3 Goldcrest
c/20 flock Redpoll
1 Blue Tit
1 Reed Bunting
1 Pied Wagtail
Compstons Cross 10:00 - 11:00 hrs fine, bright & sunny incoming cloud cover from E.
Flock of c/20 Reed Bunting in plantation
Goldfinch - 17 +6+2 >S
Chaffinch 4 >S
1 Meadow Pipit >S
Bullfinch flock of 5 >S
Redpoll 3 >S
2 Jays in planting
1f Tawny Owl calling, disturbed by one of the Jays.
1 Pied Wagtail >S
Flock of 5 unidentified small finches >S.