Grey Heron, 1 on The Irwell at Tesco and 1 at HTL,
Mallard, 4 on The Irwell by Ilex, c30 at Tesco and c10 on HTL,
Goosander, 1 Redhead on the Limy near B&M and another on The Irwell near Groundwork,
Kestrel, perched in a Hawthorn near All Saints,
Moorhen, 1 on HTL and 2 on All Saints Lodge,
B.H.Gull, c12 over & 1 on HTL,
Herring Gull, c40 over,
L.B.B.Gull, c12 over,
Wood Pigeon, c12,
Feral Pigeon, c60 including c40 near Town Square,
Collared Dove, 1 off Newchurch Road,
Kingfisher, 1 on Irwelll near the weir at Groundwork and another at Townsendfold which was in the same view as Dipper & 2 Grey Wagtails!
Meadow Pipit, 1 near All Saints,
Grey Wagtail, c4,
Wren, c6, 2 in song,
Dunnock, 2, 1 in song,
Robin, c12, c4 in song,
Redwing, c12 near RCC,
Mistle Thrush, 1,
Blackbird, c20,
Blue Tit, c20,
Great Tit, c12,
Coal Tit, c6, 2 in song,
Nuthatch, at least 2 at Townsendfold and 1 calling in Balladen Clough,
Carrion Crow, c12,
Jackdaw, c40 in flocks to 12,
Jay, calling in Balladen Clough,
Magpie, c20,
Starling, c6 around Newchurch Road / Marl Pits, 2 in song,
House Sparrow, c12 inc 5 in Hawthorn bush near Marl Pits,
Chaffinch, c12,
Greenfinch, 2 in tree tops near Whitaker Park,
Goldfinch, c6,
Bullfinch, calling bird near Waingate.
David Nuttall.