Sightings for the first few days of the new year, mixed weather including -4 to +9, lovely sunshine, and constant drizzle, no wind.
At least the Tit family seem to be reliable, good numbers of Great and Blue probably similar to previous years. Coal tits are higher than usual and there numbers have been stable for a few months almost certainly due to the lack of sustained frost.
I struggled to find the usual Long-tailed Tit nests last spring but surprisingly the winter numbers have been good, today the total count was 14 and this has been regular through the cold spell.
The Finch situation is not very bright, except for Chaffinch which are a good 30% up on all previous records [10 years], a few Brambling turned up in mid November and moved on within a week, I have had a couple of Siskin and Redpoll briefly. Goldfinch started out well but have now diminished to virtually none, Bullfinch have hardly appeared at all, odd single sightings since October. Over the last 10 years Bullfinch have been regular at the feeding stations, not in great numbers but a lot more than this year.
The last few years Siskin and Redpoll have been well represented, I have never had many Greenfinch here but except for 2008, when i had none there have been odd ones in December each year.
I have had some disease issues over the years but never to any great extent and have only seen odd Goldfinch affected, I know my little area is insignificant in the great scheme of things but it does show similar trends to nationwide surveys, lets hope we see an increase in some of these species in the rest of the winter and spring.
Robin, Wren and Dunnock numbers are up slightly, Nuthatch are still doing very well, Treecreeper is a difficult one, they appear here fairly regular but difficult to assess nunbers.
Great Spotted Woodpecker numbers appear stable, they feed here every day and I have seen 5 recently at the same time, the Green Woodpecker that appeared a while ago has been back a couple of times but is very hesitant to come down for food.
Blackbird numbers over the last week have increased to large flocks, especially at first light when there can be 25+ in a small area at one time, Thrushes have been scarce, the best being two Song Thrush despite plenty of sultanas and chopped apple.
Corvids can get a bad press sometimes but the 20 Jackdaws, 5 Magpies and 5 Jays that were sitting in the trees above my head this morning waiting for the peanuts to land on the floor and landing before I had left the area were quite a sight.
I do get Woodpigeon, but only 2 or 3 at any one time, since late December a pair of Collared Doves have reappeared after been missing for some time.
A male Sparrowhawk has been around for a couple of months I have still not seen a successful catch.