First week in 2018....very wet 7 degrees to very cold -4 degrees.
Still good numbers of Great, Blue Tit.
Coal Tit numbers down slightly but still above average.
Long-tailed Tit flocks are few and far between.
Goldfinch are regular usually around 14.
Chaffinch numbers still high anything up to 20+.
Two pair of Bullfinch are regular.
Single Greenfinch still turns up.
Flock of Redpoll around the area, 2/3 on feeders most days.
Nuthatch in good numbers.
Robins showing territorial tendencies.
Two pair of Dunnock.
Several Wren in undergrowth.
Blackbirds in very good numbers.
Two Song Thrush regular.
Three Great Spotted Woodpecker coming to fat every day.
Irregular Treecreeper.
High numbers of Jay are costing me a fortune in peanuts.
Six or seven Jackdaw most mornings.
Two Magpie regular.
Woodpigeons Still here most days.
First Collared dove for some time arrived yesterday, only one ?