G.C.Grebe, 1 on res,
Cormorant, 1 on res,
Grey Heron, single in South Bay,
Mallard, c12,
Goosander, 2 Redheads,
Kestrel, c6 birds especially on Nutshaw,
Moorhen, pair plus well grown juv on Limy,
B.H.Gull, c4,
L.B.B.Gull, c20 over,
Wood Pigeon, c20,
G.S.Woodpecker, calling bird,
Swallow, c30 inc many juvs,
Meadow Pipit, c20 all along southern shoreline and down dry stone wall on Nutshaw,
Yellow Wagtail, 1 with pipits on shoreline,
Grey Wagtail, 1 on Limy outflow,
Pied Wagtail, c10,
Chiffchaff, 1 in sub-song,
Willow Warbler, 2 in sub-song and one in large tit flock,
L.T.Tit, present in tit flock,
Coal Tit, several in tit flock and at Point Wood,
Rook, c30 over south in flocks to 12,
Raven, pair plus two singles over,
Goldfinch, c30 in charms to 12,
Greenfinch, 6 on Limy Lane,
Chaffinch, c6,
Bullfinch, 3 sightings.
Bob & David.