Over the last three days we have had -4 for two nights, driving rain/sleet and sunshine during the day.
Finch numbers have fluctuated during this period but on two occasions, Wednesday midday and again this morning the numbers were very high, the highest for Brambling and Chaffinch I have ever seen, on one record shot this morning you can count over a hundred birds taking off when disturbed.
The Numbers below are a best estimate over three days....
Blue Tit....14
Great Tit.....18
Coal Tit....12
Bullfinch....7....4m 3f
Redpoll (Common)....5 seen together, more high up in the trees
Chaffinch....40+ thats conservative
Brambling.....60+...it is quite a sight, when disturbed, the mass of disappearing white rumps. I have tried on several occasions to estimate Male female ratio, the best I can do is 4:1 in favour of female, also can not find any Ringed birds.