A few additions for Grane and surrounding area today - I was around late morning to around 12.30
Cormorant - around 10 HWR
Teal - 3 Calf Hey, 2 HWR
Red-legged partridge - pr above Jamestones (E)
Redshank - one Jamestones (W)
Jack Snipe - one probable Haslingden moor
Snipe - two Haslingden Moor
Curlew - none around the reservoirs but present on Haslingden Moor and Thirteen Stone
Wheatear - 3 including one singing bird above Jamestones and at least 7 on the last wall above Troy. How many of these duplicated your sightings I wouldn't care to speculate
Linnet - seen /heard at a few locations above Jamestones/Troy (possibly the same 2 birds whizzing around but maybe up to 6/7)