Grey Heron, 1 flew down the valley and 1 on Buckhurst Lodge,
Canada Goose, 2 flew down the valley and a single on Buckhurst Lodge,
Mallard, c6,
Buzzard, 3 singles,
Kestrel, male near Deeply Chimney was the first for a while and the only one this morning,
Pheasant, c6 males, many calling,
Curlew, good numbers with around 5 pairs,
Lapwing, decent numbers with around 12 pairs,
Snipe, 2 flushed from wet ground,
B.H.Gull, 4 down the valley and 1 on Buckhurst,
L.B.B.Gull, c20 over,
Stock Dove, 1 on the chimney,
Skylark, good numbers on Harden Moor with c20 singing birds plus c12 singing down the valley,
Swallow, c6,
Sand Martin, c30 birds near breeding colony,
Meadow Pipit, c20, several in display,
Pied Wagtail, c4,
Wren, c15, many in song,
Robin, c12, several in song,
Dunnock, c10, several in song,
Wheatear, 2 males near Harden Moor,
Stonechat, 2 pairs,
Song Thrush, c5 singing birds,
Mistle Thrush, pair near chimney,
Fieldfare, c30 in mixed flock with Starlings,
Willow Warbler, lots with c30 singing birds,
Chiffchaff, 1 singing from woods,
Blackcap, 4 singing birds,
Whitethroat, male in song near Walmersley Golf Club,
L.T.Tit, 2 pairs,
Coal Tit, 4 singing birds,
Blue Tit, c16,
Great Tit, c10,
Raven, 1 being mobbed by a Curlew on Harden Moor,
Jay, groups of 1, 4 & 2,
Rook, 2 down the valley and c20 on Rossendale School fields,
Starling, c30 in mixed flock with Fieldfare,
Goldfinch, c20 in small flocks to 8,
Chaffinch, c20, many in song,
Greenfinch, 1 up the valley,
Linnet, good numbers with flocks of 6 & 12 plus many calling birds throughout,
Lesser Redpoll, good numbers with flocks of 3, 14 & 5 plus calling birds near Walmersley Golf Club,
Reed Bunting, males at 4 locations.