G.C.Grebe, 1 on Clowbridge,
Grey Heron, 1 at clowbridge,
Canada Goose, pairs at Clough Bottom & on Red Moss,
Mallard, c6,
Goosander, pair on Clough Bottom,
Pheasant, calling birds at Clowbridge,
Curlew, probably 4 pairs with birds constantly calling,
L.B.B.Gull, c20 over,
Stock Dove, flock of 5 on Swallow Shore,
Skylark, c20, many in song,
Swallow, 1 at Clowbridge & 4 at Clough Bottom,
Sand Martin, 2 at Clowbridge,
Meadow Pipit, c30,
Pied Wagtail, 4,
Wheatear, 2 near Compstons,
Stonechat, female near back pond,
Willow Warbler, c10 at Clowbridge, 3 at Compstons & c8 at Clough Bottom,
Grasshopper Warbler, reeling bird at Clowbridge,
Coal Tit, c3 at Clowbridge & 2 at Clough Bottom,
L.T.Tit, pairs at Clowbridge & Clough Bottom,
Chaffinch, c12 at Clowbridge & 3 at Clough Bottom,
Goldfinch, c12,
Linnet, 5 at Clough Bottom & a pair on Swallow Shore,
Lesser Redpoll, 4 at Clowbridge & 2 at Clough Bottom,
Reed Bunting, 2 at Clowbridge & 2 at Clough Bottom.