Canada Goose, a pair down the valley,
Mallard, 5 drakes chasing around the res,
Pheasant, calling bird near boat house,
Common Sandpiper, pair,
Curlew, calling birds from the moors plus one over calling then down on pasture,
L.B.B.Gull, 16 down on the res,
Stock Dove, pair at top end,
Skylark, c5 singing birds,
Swallow, c6,
House Martin, 2 over bottom end,
Meadow Pipit, c8, 1 in display,
Pied Wagtail, group of 4 plus a couple of singles,
Wheatear, 1 on the side of Nutshaw,
Stonechat, male on res wall,
Song Thrush, 3 in song,
Willow Warbler, c10 in song,
Coal Tit, c8 in song from plantations at the top end,
Jay, 1 at top end,
Starling, c12,
House Sparrow, c10,
Chaffinch, c10,
Goldfinch, c8,
Greenfinch, 2 near feeders and 1 on res bank,
Lesser Redpoll, singing birds at both ends of the res,
Reed Bunting, singing bird behind boat house.