0730/1000 hrs. 12/15 degrees slight breeze, sunny.
Canada Geese......40+ and a creche of 26 young in varying sizes.
Mallard....9 and 11 well grown ducklings.
Grey Heron in dead tree.
Lapwing.....10+ feeding, no young seen.
Curlew....single bathing and feeding.
Black-headed Gull....2
Herring Gull.....1
Kestrel....high over Ogden.
Several Magpie, Carrion Crow and Jackdaw.
Whitethroat....two in copse at dam end and one in wood at inlet.
Willow Warbler.....5 round the reservoir.
House Sparrow....6 near Holden Arms.
Meadow Pipit.....8+ around.
Skylark....3 feeding in fields.
Reed Bunting....pair carrying food to nest site.
Swallow.....10+ collecting mud.
Grey Wagtail....1
Pied Wagtail.....2
Regards Brian