08:30 - 10:00
Kestrel, 1 hunting over Nutshaw,
Lapwing, minimum of 16 with majority juvs,
Common Sandpiper, 1 on res shore,
Stock Dove, single and a pair,
Swift, single over Nutshaw,
Swallow, c80, many juvs,
House Martin, c20, feeding over res mainly,
Sand Martin, min 2 feeding over res,
Meadow Pipit, c30 around res banking,
Pied Wagtail, c6 around res,
Stonechat, party of 5 inc juvs,
Whinchat, single with Stonechats,
Starling, group of c20,
Goldfinch, c20 inc charm of 10,
Lesser Redpoll, 1 over singing.