Cormorant, 1 rooting in Point Wood was a first for me,
Grey Heron, 1 flew the length of the res,
Canada Goose, c40,
Mallard, c12 inc 6 growing ducklings,
L.B.B.Gull, 1 on res,
B.H.Gull, 14 on res,
Swallow, c20 over Point Wood,
Meadow Pipit, c10 in scarified field near boat house,
Pied Wagtail, 2,
Grey Wagtail, 1 in Limy,
Wheatear, 1 on res bank,
Stonechat, male & 2 juvs near South Bay,
Rook, 2 x 2 over north,
Raven, an impressive 33 birds as a minimum count, roosting on pylons, is one of my most memorable Rossendale sightings!