With the evenings drawing out now just about managed a circuit of the res after work:
G.C.Grebe, 1 fishing the res,
Canada Goose, pair over,
Mallard, 6,
Goosander, male & 2 redheads plus another redhead flew in,
Sparrowhawk, female flew over towards New Laithe and a male flew over towards Old Plantation,
Kestrel, 1 over Back Pond and 1 over Nutshaw,
B.H.Gull, c12,
Common Gull, c6,
Stock Dove, 3 flew into roost in Point Wood followed 10 minutes later by a flock of 10.
Meadow Pipit, 1 on res bank,
Song Thrush, 1 singing in the car park,
L.T.Tit, 1 in the car park,