Grey Heron - some nests now appear deserted so assume fledged. There were at least two pairs at one site and three at another
Coot - still present HTL
Goosander - pr still present at various spots along the river up to yesterday (7/5). I assume this is the same pair Brian is seeing regularly
Common sandpiper - present all week in ones or twos
Garden Warbler - one probable at EBSW yesterday refused to be seen
Whitethroat - recorded in 4 of the usual nesting areas
Swift - peaked on Saturday (2/5) with birds over the valley from Townsend Fold to Irwell Vale (around 100 over the sewage works but many more smaller groups). None in the last two days
Hiurundines - about 70 house martins Thursday (30/4) and 50 on Saturday (2/5) at EBSW. A smattering of swallows over the week which are probably local breeders. The sand martins have gradually increased to around 20 bird and have just started excavating over the last 2 days (at least 5 holes occupied)