PaulG found a male Wood Warbler in full song and photographed for records, I have been to the site, which for the moment will remain undisclosed because of the current Covid-19 situation and an already busy area, when there this evening we found another bird which did not sing but was actively flying around the Male.
The site will be monitored to see if they stay or as has happened over the past few years they move on.
Quick check, Wood Warbler still present seven days after first being found, area is very busy with families spending time in the good weather so no time spent to look for a second bird which has been seen on three occasions.
The Wood Warbler has been present for 13 days now at the same site, on this visit this evening after the crowds had dispersed its behaviour was completely different to other visits, it has moved 100 yards upstream is not displaying and Song has diminished. With four pairs of eyes watching (PaulG PaulB Sarfraz and me) we only saw one bird. So if it has attracted a female we did not locate it we will keep an eye on it and see what transpires.
0830/1000 hrs drizzle strong north Westerly, 12 degrees. ( and no people anywhere).
The Wood Warbler has moved again it is now downstream of its original position, over the time I was there I saw it four times as it did not move much at all, but it was in full song constantly, unfortunately over this time I did not see another bird.