This area is GMC but right on the border of Rossendale, a footpath runs along the Irwell between Stubbins and Ramsbottom I have never seen it left to grow in June normally grazed or cut by now, it is full of several Thistle species, Grasses, Parsley, Birds foot trefoil and Clover.
Painted Lady over 10 all very bright.
Meadow Brown could have been more than 50.
Small Tortoiseshell 20 plus
Large Skipper More than 10.
Small Skipper Only 4/5.
Red Admiral Double figures.
Ringlet 20 plus.
Small Copper Only saw two but probably more.
Large White Around 15.
Common Blue At least 8 all males
There was a lot of Bees and Ladybirds as well but concentrated on the Butterflies.