Sad news, Natural England have granted a license for "the control of up to 10 Buzzards to prevent serious damage to young Pheasants". Interesting use of the word control, which by no known definition, means kill, murder or slaughter etc. It seems as a nation we want other countries to protect their wildlife, whilst we are happy to kill ours for the sake of a few hooray Henrys with guns. Follow the link for more info. If the link doesn't work there is a link on The Calderdale birds website and the article itself is on birdguides
Words can often be used try to gloss over a horrible act. Britain does have a bit of a reputation for lecturing countries like China and many in Africa yet the authorities could start at home first. It is BONKERS that a non-native species is being given priority over a native species, especially when the millions of the former are released with no research on their impact on the ecosystem. What would they want to do next - cull motorists because pheasants are often run over? Why don't they employ someone to baby sit the pheasants so no predators get in?