Weather Data makes fascinating reading, especially for me living next to the river that caused havoc last boxing day when it flooded, and your data shows why that happened. Photo attached as a reminder of the power of nature.
That is still quite a shocking picture. I know where that is and can't imagine the despair it must have caused.
Whilst the data shows huge rainfall prior to the flooding what I found may have been important was the fact that the previous months were relatively dry. I wonder if the ground being more hard, leading to run off, doubled the effect of the heavy rainfall of Nov & Dec? A series of factors make a disaster.
__________________ Go On...Go Wild!!
You are almost certainly correct about the ground being very dry, the runoff water from the fields and moor to the west of our house was so severe you could not walk along the cycle track or up the path through Buckden woods on Christmas day.
By Boxing day morning the river had risen over two meters in 12 hours of non stop rain.