RSPB Fairburn Ings & Alkborough N.R. 20/7/22
A text from Rossendale birder Sarfraz H with news of a Stone Curlew, a rare breeding species in the UK, being present at RSPB Fairburn Ings sparked me into twitch mode Grabbed my gear and off I went, it was 10am, thinking to myself it should take an hour plus to get there and then as I got to the top of the M...
David Ousey
Sabine`s Gull at Jenny Brown`s Point, Lancashire. 10/7/22
News of a Sabine`s Gull at Leighton Moss on Wednesday 6th July seemed a little strange for the time of year and lack of rough weather at sea. But the bird remained and a small trip to see it was arranged. Myself, Bob K and Kevin C left a sultry Whitworth around 7-30am all duly clad in shorts for the occasion...
David Ousey
The Turkestan Shrike at Bempton, Yorkshire. Saturday 2nd July 2022
Back in 2000 the Isabelline Shrike (Lanius isabellinus) was split into 2 different species namely: - Daurian Shrike, became Lanius isabellinus and Turkestan Shrike, became Lanius phoenicuroides. Yes, I know its a bit complicated but after scientific studies, ringing, photographs etc this...
David Ousey
A Mediterranean Nottinghamshire Trip? Sunday 26th June 2022
With a Caspian Tern arriving at Idle Valley N.R, Nottinghamshire early on Saturday morning and appearing settled for the rest of the day. Just apart from re-locating to Slaynes Lane, Misson, a trip to see it was talked about with Mark K and Dave W. The plan was, if the bird was still present early Sunda...
David Ousey
Nightjars, Langsett Area, 15th June 2022
My annual visit around Barnsley mainly to see the Nightjars on the moors above Langsett with the following noted: Langsett. Nightjar, at least 3 individual birds. Churring started at 21:45 with the first bird flying at 21:55. 3 birds chasing around at 22:15 Long Eared Owl, adult hunting the moor plu...
David Nuttall
East Yorkshire evening and night trip out. 19th June 2022.
The day started for me rushing up to Hollingworth Lake N.R. in Rochdale to see a Great White Egret that had been seen earlier. It was a successful rush as the bird was seen and appeared to be quite settled. A special bird for me as it was my 200th species that I have seen in Rochdale.
We met in Milnrow with K...
David Ousey
The return to Anglesey. Sunday 5th June 2022
Apart from a quick dash over to see the Elegant Tern at Cemlyn Bay last year, it was nice to visit one of the nicest islands in Britain, Anglesey again. A team of 5 birders filled Kevin C`s vehicle and we departed at 7am on a rather dull, damp day, the forecast was not very good with lots of morning rain. Fir...
David Ousey
Leighton Moss, 21 May
Paul, Mohammed and I decided to have a Spring trip to Leighton Moss. Paul had never been in the Spring so I told him it would give him a new experience of the reserve. 21st of May was the only day he could do so we decided to pencil that in and it was not long before it was upon us. I mentioned Foulshaw Moss,...
The Eleonora`s Falcon at Worth Marsh, near Sandwich, Kent. 28/5/2022
When the news broke on Friday morning that an Eleonora`s Falcon had been seen in Kent and also knowing that this species was so rare, I had to go for it. This species has been seen only 7 times and had always been a One day bird. As I tried to get a team together to visit the area and see this ultra-rare falcon...
David Ousey
Ullswater/St Bees 13/05/2022
Friday evening Glenridding Screaming parties of Swifts flying low over the village with Swallows & House Martins Ulls Water River Dipper & Grey Wagtail Saturday walk - Glenridding to Aira Force Waterfall a very wooded area lake side and hill side First bird seen was a wood Warbler callin...
Wheldrake Ings N.N.R & Fairburn RSPB 14/5/2022
After all the excitement surrounding the Spotted Sandpiper seen at Elton Reservoir, Bury yesterday it was back to an unusual Saturday trip out, due to end of football season etc. On a warm and sunny morning me and Kevin C set of to visit Wheldrake Ings nature reserve that lies south east of York. All we...
David Ousey
Spotted Sandpiper, Elton Reservoir, Bury
It is not often a day off, a rare bird and location less than 15 miles all collide at one point with the added twist of a Friday the 13th but today that was just the case. Ready to set of to Grane I had a look at birdguides and scrolled down for a quick read. Albatross in Yorkshire in red, Beeeater in Dorset,...
Northern Birding & some butterflies. 8th May 2022
Last Sunday a full team of birders headed off at 6am to Strid Woods, Bolton Abbey, in Yorkshire. Its one of our annual trips to see and hear the migrant birds that arrive on our shores in springtime, along with our resident bird species. We do tend to rely on Young Chris B for his knowledge and ears as we ar...
David Ousey
Black-winged Stilt Marshside RSPB Southport 23/04/2022
After seeing the Red-necked Grebe last Saturday at AMR a lifer for me, another lifer was reported at Marshside Southport. A Black-winged Stilt had been reported and seen at Neils Hide I had to hope it would stay around till this Saturday, luckily it was still being reported seen Saturday morning. G...
Elton Reservoir 28/04/2022
As I was going to be passing Elton thought Id call as Ive not been there for some time, Turned out to be a good move 4 Little Gulls showing really well 2 Arctic Terns flying up and down the reservoir 2 Swift in with lots of Swallow - Sand Martin - House Martin Cheers Craggy
Lancashire Coast Day out. 24th April 2022
With a Black winged Stilt having turned up at RSPB Marshside, Southport, two weeks previously, we thought that it would be a good place to start from. A full team met in Castleton on a nice dry morning and we set off for Southport. News that the bird had been seen first thing hastened us along. Upon reach...
David Ousey
Black-browed Albatross returns to Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire. 3/4/22
After last years stay in Yorkshire of a few months people began to think, Will the Black-browed Albatross return in 2022? Well on the 31st March it re-appeared at Bempton Cliffs RSPB reserve, probably after 5 months in the North Sea. It has returned to a regular Gannet breeding site in the forlorn hop...
David Ousey
Trip into Yorkshire. Sunday 13th March 2022
A full team of Rochdale birders left Castleton at 8am in a bit of drizzle but as often happens as we topped out over the M62 blue skies appeared. Our first call was at North Cave were some of the crew enjoyed breakfast muffins, a really nice walk around this expanding reserve had us soon watching a few rec...
David Ousey
Baikal Teal on Swine Moor, Yorkshire. Sunday 27th February 2022
Its been a while since we have been out for various reasons, although a few local trips have been made clocking up some year ticks. So with the weather set to be fine all day, myself and Kevin C thought a trip into Yorkshire to Swine Moor near Beverley would be nice. A male Baikal Teal, usually from Lake Ba...
David Ousey
Red-throated Diver 3/01/2022
Red-throated Diver has been seen on Watergrove Reservoir for quite some time now but has been reported paying a visit to Hollingworth Lake. So while I was going to be out walking over that area today thought I would pop up and see if it was paying a visit today, yep there it was fishing out in the middle o...
Belted Kingfisher, Roach Bridge
The Belted Kingfisher which was first sighted on the Ribble upstream from Brockholes in mid-November was then sighted on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal at Whitnell Bridge over a week ago. I assume people looked for it and then somehow it was located on the River Darwen at Roach Bridge where it has been...
An Exceptional Year for Rare Birds. Jan-Dec 2021
A strange year what with restrictions on travel, Covid problems, injections (for all sensible enough people to have them done) and of course our old friend the British weather. In January/February I spent most of my time in my bubble visiting local areas on the Fylde area for our exercise walks, the...
David Ousey
The Belted Kingfisher in Lancashire. 25/11/2021
Back on the first of April 2005, whilst I was at work, news that a Belted Kingfisher had been found in inland Staffordshire near Shugborough. As it was April Fool`s Day a lot of doubt as to why a really rare American bird had been found in that area, was it a genuine sighting? It turned out to be correct, so...
David Ousey
An interesting trip out, North Wales & Lancashire. 14/11/2021
Our last trip out was to see the Two barred Greenish Warbler at Spurn a few weeks ago, so after many wet weekends since, we ventured out. With Kevin C still needing to see a Dusky Warbler we decided to go to the closest one available at Talacre in North Wales. Myself, Bob K and Kevin left a dark Castleton at...
David Ousey
Two-barred Greenish Warbler at Spurn, Yorkshire. Sunday 17th October 2021
Mid Saturday afternoon a visiting birder to the Spurn Point area had seen what he thought to be a Yellow-browed Warbler then, after taking some pictures of the bird, it became apparent, after looking at the photograph`s by expert`s, that the bird was indeed a Two-barred Greenish Warbler! About 20 o...
David Ousey
Long Toed Stint at RSPB St Aidan's, Yorkshire
As David states the Long Toed Stint was thought to have been 2 other species before it was finally nailed. I was looking through bird guides just to see what had turned up on Friday evening after 10pm when I saw the words Long Toed Stint in bold with a red triangle next to it. Surprisingly it was stated t...
Long toed Stint at RSPB St Aidan`s, Swillington, Yorkshire. 9/10/2021
This story begins on Friday evening when a birder saw what he thought was a Temminck`s Stint on the eastern reed bed at RSPB St Aidan`s. The time was about 6pm, after sharing images of the bird, it was quickly re-identified as a Least Sandpiper. This species is a very rare bird indeed, now as the evening...
David Ousey
Spurn 6 September 2021
The last time I visited Spurn was in 2016. Since my first visit in 2012 I have fallen in love with the area but sadly it is a 2 1/2 hour drive. I have planned trips annually but every time something would block the visit. When I looked at what was found that day and I saw Red Eyed Vireo, Great Snipe, Red Footed...
Gronant, Spurn Point & back to Gronant in North Wales. 16th/18th & 19th September 2021
Its been a busy old few days for the Rochdale Birders! Firstly the arrival of a first winter Squacco Heron at Big Pool Wood nature reserve in Gronant, North Wales got our interest and with Kevin C needing to see the bird, plans were made. This rather beautiful member of the heron family should be som...
David Ousey
The Green Warbler at Buckton, Yorkshire. 10th September 2021
After sustaining a knee injury last Wednesday and not being able to walk as I got out of bed on Thursday morning. I suppose I really hoped that no really rare birds would turn up, I was wrong! A Green Warbler had been caught and rung in the Heligoland trap at Buckton near Bempton, Yorkshire. Only 6 pre...
David Ousey